Website Creator

Responsive Grid Plugin
for Panotour Pro

A HTML5 and FLASH plugin to display a RESPONSIVE GRID with all your scene's thumbnails .

Responsive design

All your scene's thumbnails will be displayed in a repsonsive way on any devices.


You can choose to only display the scene's thumbnails...


...or organise them by groups


You can display the groups and scenes titles


and also the scnenes and groups descriptions


Choose your fonts and colors

Responsive Grid Plugin

for Kolor Panotour Pro
  1. To install the plugin copy the 360ImagesGrid folder into your Panotour Pro user folder ( to find it launch Panotour Pro, clic on edition and then user folder )
  2. To add the plugin to your tour click on Style and choose 360Images category on the right panel, double clic on Responsive Thumbnail Grid..
  3. Setup the plugin to your needs and export your tour

Setup the plugin

  1. You can choose to use the default button to show and hide the grid, it's position, color and tooltip
  2. Your can choose to display all the scenes thumbnails or organise them by category
  3. You can remove groups & panoramas from the menu
  4. Choose the overlay color
  5. Setup the grid padding
  6. Setup the grid title
  7. Setup the groups titles font - color ....
  8. Choose do dosplay or not the group's descriptions
  9. Setup the  group's descriptions font - color...
  10. Setup the thumbnails padding
  11. Setup the thumbnails maximum size
  12. Setup the active thumbnail border and color
  13. Choose to display or not the scene's titles
  14. Setup the scene's titles font - color ....
  15. Choose to display or not the scene's descriptions
  16. Setup the scene's descriptions font - color ...